
St George's Church of England

Primary School

Aspirational opportunities for all, through the breath of God


By gathering them to Him he showed them all LOVE Matthew 14:18-We celebrate all that we do, our successes and our learning, our achievements and our support of one another.

Living together in a school community
We always try to treat children with consideration and respect. As a result we hope they will learn to respect other people and have a responsible attitude to the general care of the school. We believe the development of self-control and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions is essential if children are to live happily in a community.


We also have a number of school rules of which children will be reminded from time to time. These are designed to ensure a safe and orderly school environment.
Bullying is dealt with in line with our policy. If a child's behaviour is spoiling the happy school atmosphere, discussions will be held with the child's parents in order to find the best way to improve the child's behaviour.


Home & School 
We welcome the interest and support of parents in all aspects of school life. We aim to keep parents well informed about their children's education so that they see it as a partnership between home and school.
Parents are encouraged to keep in regular contact with their child's class teacher.
Formal consultations with parents are arranged in term 1 & term 3 when children's progress is discussed. All children receive an end of year report from their teacher.
If during the year parents want a longer discussion with their child's teacher, an appointment with the teacher can be made via the school office.
It is very important that you keep the school informed of any important changes that may affect your child. Please let us know promptly about any medical, physical or emotional difficulties of which you become aware. 


Helping in School 
We value any help which you can give at school, whether it be working with children in the classroom or helping 'behind the scenes'. Any such help you give not only benefits the school in general, it also benefits your own child. It shows them that you value the school, are part of the school community and are interested in what is happening. These positive feelings will rub off on your own child. 


If you would like to help at any time, either regularly or on an occasional basis, please contact your child's teacher, or the head teacher. You will need a number of checks made on you before you can start volunteering such as a DBS check. 