We provide abundantly for the needs of the pupils as Jesus abundantly met the needs of the 5000, by ensuring the pupils receive- an education appropriate to the world outside their classroom
At St George’s Primary school we aim to achieve success. We set challenging targets for our pupils and support them in achieving their goals.
We ensure that our practise and the provision we offer is based on the latest educational research, we learn from and through experience as well as by networking with other local schools both on the Isle of Sheppey (Isle of Sheppey collaboration) as well as part of our Aquila Multi Academy Trust group.
To achieve the best outcomes for pupils we have reviewed the way in which the traditional homework model can be improved so that parents, pupils and staff can work effectively making the best use of time to raise attainment.
We expect all pupils to work hard throughout the school day and therefore their time outside of school should principally be for extra-curricular activities, rest and relaxation. Going to, for example, Brownies, Beavers, swimming, dance and football clubs are very valuable activities. As far as possible we will try to provide provision for some activities as part of a club at the end of the school day. Equally valuable, however, is family time spent at home, playing, talking and seeing friends.
We also believe that a carefully balanced home learning programme is beneficial for pupils for the following reasons:
To give parents the opportunities to be directly involved in their child’s learning
To reinforce the partnership between home and school
To consolidate skills learnt in school and give opportunities to extend learning
Homework vs Home Learning
Should teachers give homework to students? If so, how much and what type of homework should be assigned? How much time should pupils spend on homework? What roles should parents play in the child’s homework?
Quite a bit of research has been done over the decades on homework and the evidence is fairly clear in terms of the type of home learning that has a positive impact on pupil learning and the type of work set that does not. We are well aware of the important role parents play in supporting their child’s learning. One of the key indicators of pupils’ success at primary school is the level to which parents and carers engage in what their child is learning.
Traditional models of homework, when a child is set a series of questions to work through, have little to no impact upon learning and in some cases have a negative impact. Children can see the exercises as pointless and lose enthusiasm in learning which can be incredibly damaging.
What works?
When homework works best, pupils are allowed opportunities to ‘prepare’ for a topic of area of learning., complete a projects and/or read around it, following their own lines of enquiry or interests. This type of home learning encourages pupils to develop independence and a love of knowledge. They find things out for themselves and therefore have a far greater ownership over what they have learnt.
Some aspects of learning simply need practise, such as reading and recalling facts. These are incorporated into our approach ensuring that our pupils develop an independent approach to learning, whilst also consolidating key facts, and practising skills.
One of the key indicators of a pupil’s success at primary school is the level to which parents and carers engage in what their child is learning.
How can parents support home learning?
Parents have an important role to play in supporting this approach to Home Learning. Simply sending your child to school with a pencil case and their homework book does not work. For our pupils to achieve success we need parents to take an interest in what their children are learning.
Here are some tips from the Department of Education as to how parents can best support their children:
Make Time: your child will benefit from you taking an interest in what they are doing.
Experiences: Try and link life and leisure experience to your child’s school work e.g. visits to the park, museum or days out.
Talk: Make time to ask your child about what they are studying and what they have learned. Another great way to show you are interested is to attend school activities such as parents’ evenings and sport events etc.
Reading: It is important that children read every day at a level with which they are confident and comfortable. Even once your child is a fluent reader it is still essential to read and discuss books with your child as well as to read to and with them. This enhances comprehension skills and understanding.
Times-tables: Children need to have quick mental recall of number facts; we expect pupils to know all of their tables to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4.
Consolidation: Periodically, teachers may set consolidation home learning in English or Maths. If a concept has been particularly tricky to master in class or further practice is required then it can be beneficial to spend some time at home rehearsing what has been covered in class.
Maths: At the start of every half-term the newsletter will outline the number concepts to practise e.g. in Year R it might be counting forwards and backwards using numbers to 20. In Year 4 it might be comparing and ordering numbers to 10000. Parents will also be sent home leaflets about key skills your child will be learning in that year of school and activities/ideas to reinforce these.
We have some Maths homework books which are free to download and print for parents. Please see below
Find out more:
Our approach to Home Learning is based upon the most recent educational research. You can find out more from any of the sources below:
Visible Learning: Prof. John Hattie
Toolkit of Strategies to improve learning: Sutton Trust
Department for Education: www.education.gov.uk
The Facts on Education: How useful is homework? http://www.cea-ace.ca/publication/facts-education-how-useful-homework
Our Home Learning policy can be found here
Home Learning Schedule:
Year Group | Phonics and Reading | Doodle Maths | Spellings | Topic |
R | Phonics + 10 mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 10 mins per night | Pupils will be given spellings by class teachers to learn weekly or termly. | Home Learning activities sent home 3 times a year. Pupils to pick a minimum of 1 activity from each area (5 areas in total) and complete. |
1 | Phonics + 10 mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 10 mins per night Tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour | ||
2 | Phonics + 10 - 20 mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 10 - 20 mins per night. 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables Tell the time to the nearest minute. | ||
3 | Home reading 20 - 30 mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 20 - 30 mins per night 4 and 8 times tables | ||
4 | Home reading 20 - 30 mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 20 - 30 mins per night 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables | ||
5 | Home reading 30 + mins reading per night | Doodle Maths 30 + mins per night Consolidation of times tables | ||
6 | Preperation for SATs/Secondary School Homework Programme |
Maths homework books;