
St George's Church of England

Primary School

Aspirational opportunities for all, through the breath of God

Attendance & Punctuality

The school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm.  Lunch is taken between 12noon and 1pm.



A pupil arriving late can seriously disrupt their own and others’ learning. Registers are taken at 8.45 and close at 8.55am.  Children arriving after these times will be recorded as late and must report to the School Office to sign in. 


Authorised Absence

Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason, like illness, medical or dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time. Absences due to illness/appointments need to be reported to the school via telephone/email/text no later than 9.15am on each day of absence, stating your child's full name, class, reason for absence and the approximate day of return.  If communication has not been received then the school will contact you to ascertain a reason. This will be done as soon as reasonably practicable in the morning. 


Telephone: 01795 877667 (option 1)



We may require medical evidence to support a child's absence. 


Unauthorised Absences  

Holidays taken during term time which have not been designated by the Head Teacher as ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ will be recorded in the register as unauthorised.  To request time off during term time for your child, you will need to fill out a Leave of Absence form (below) and return it to the school office.



Medical/Dental Appointments should be made out of school time where possible.   Where this is unavoidable, the absences may be authorised providing that we are informed of the absences following the school’s procedure.  

The child should be absent for as short a period of time as possible. All absences for medical or dental appointments must be supported by providing the school office with sight of or a copy of the appointment card or letter – only then will be absence be authorised.  


For more information, please see our Attendance Policy and see the DfE Guidance for Attendance and Absence.
