
St George's Church of England

Primary School

Aspirational opportunities for all, through the breath of God

RE Curriculum

The RE Curriculum at St George's is built upon our vision statement and core christian values ensuring that all pupils receive the Statement of Entitlement as set out by the Church of England. The core offer of the RE Curriculum is to ensure that ALL pupils receive:

'Aspirational Opportunities for all, through the breath of God'

We are proud to provide:

  • An education appropriate to the World outside their classroom including fostering links with the local church and TRUSTing God by taking part in active worship.
  • A LOVE of learning and a desire to continue to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their life through regular trips and celebratory events.
  • The tools to learn to live together in the community and to show sensitivity and RESPECT to the differences between one another
  • Thinking skills to become responsible, independent people who CARE about their World and demonstrate a moral sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
  • The knowledge to reach their full potential in the curriculum and acquire effective Maths and English skills whilst developing a spiritual awareness and SHARE with one another the awe of the Universe.


Religious Education enables pupils to acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice as well as holding meaningful and informed dialogue with a range of religions and worldviews. It contributes to British Values as well as the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of pupils, enabling them to flourish.


Religious Education is intrinsic to the curriculum at St George's, its profile within the school matches the core areas of Maths, Reading and Writing, engaging and challenging pupils to explore core concepts and questions. By engaging with biblical texts and theological ideas with high-quality resources pupils have the opportunity to explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways of seeing, living and thinking, believing and belonging.


Please visit our RE Curriculum page for more information.

Our RE policy can be found here.

Principles of Assessment in RE

We ask lots of big questions in our RE lessons that help us to really get involved in our RE lessons and compliments and our Thinking Schools approach.

We like to use art and design to express the many different stories we learn about. Here we are making some Easter gardens.

We ensure that RE is equal in expectation to English through moderated piece of work. Here is an example.

We display our pieces of work on our RE boards in the classrooms. Here is a great example.

As part of our curriculum we encourage visits to help further the pupils knowledge. We often visit Canterbury Cathedral which is a short distance away. Here we are learning about the development of the Cathedral and seeing its many sights.

We are always delighted when pupils do well with home learning and competitions. Here is one from our recent COVID closure.
