
St George's Church of England

Primary School

Aspirational opportunities for all, through the breath of God





At St George’s, our intent in Maths is for pupils to experience a high-quality maths education that provides a foundation for understanding the world which instils a genuine interest and curiosity about mathematics.


Our aim is that children develop a deep understanding and knowledge of number sense and become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. We want our pupils to develop their conceptual understanding and develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately and rapidly. We also want pupils to be able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and making generalisations.


We have implemented a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach and believe that everyone, no matter what their starting point is, can learn and improve at maths. All pupils will be encouraged to believe that by working hard, persevering and adopting a growth mindset approach to mathematics, will help them succeed.


Our intent is to meet the statutory requirements as specified in the National Curriculum. Maths lessons are taught daily through a chosen scheme of learning (White Rose Maths), that are carefully ordered to build upon prior learning in small, manageable steps. We use the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach which is being implemented from Reception to Year 6. Concrete and pictorial representations of number are used before moving on to the abstract. Building these steps across a sequence of lessons helps pupils better understand the value of digits and the relationship between numbers.


Our curriculum is designed to support the development of reasoning and problem solving alongside fluency to ensure challenge and ambition for ALL pupils. More time is spent on each area in order to enrich and embed ideas, enabling pupils to make connections. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through being offered rich problems and tasks that further deepen their understanding. Lessons will be adapted for pupils when needed.


Questions and discussions will probe pupils’ understanding throughout lessons and pupils will be assisted in explaining their thinking, using precise mathematical language, and using full sentences to develop an argument, justification or proof. Misconceptions are identified within and after each lesson and used as opportunities for learning.


In Reception, not only do explicit maths lessons happen, but mathematics is also taught following the interests of our pupils. In the EYFS framework, there are six key areas of mathematics learning:


1.         Cardinality (the amount in a set) and counting;

2.         Comparison;

3.         Composition (Understanding that one number can be made up from two or more smaller numbers)

4.         Pattern;

5.         Shape and space;

6.         Measures.


Pupils will learn these skills through play using indoor and outdoor continuous provision opportunities.



Click here to see our Maths policies.


